Fredericksburg divorce attorney, Ashley Mroczek, talks about why she opened the firm, Burchett & Mroczek, PLC.
Getting a Restricted License in Virginia
Did you lose your driving privilege because of a DUI/DWI or drug possession? In most cases, you are still able to get a restricted driver's license. Defense attorney, Ben Burchett shares some information on the topic.
Choosing a Digital Executor for Your Online Accounts
With the threat of Coronavirus, it's more important now than ever to prepare for the future. Don't leave your online accounts unattended. With a great portion of our world online, it's so very important to name an executor that is able to make decisions about your accounts when you are not able to.
Why Is a Medical Directive Important?
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to threaten our world, learn why a Medical Directive is necessary to have in place. Contact our office for more information (540) 710-1019 or
Should I Talk to the Cops?
A question that is often asked by our clients is, “Should I talk to an officer without an attorney?” Partner Attorney, Ben Burchett explains why the answer is always, “NO.”
Do I need a Power of Attorney?
Attorney #AshleyMroczek has been assisting clients with future planning for more than 10 years. In this video, she explains what a #powerofattorney is, and why it is necessary to have one in place. To schedule a consultation, contact our office at or (540) 710-1019
Can I Serve My Jail Time on Weekends?
In order to maintain employment, you may be able to serve your jail time on the weekends. Attorney Ben Burchett talks about eligibility in Virginia to serve part-time, jail time.
Updating Your Documents after Divorce
Are your documents up-to-date? Many times these details are overlooked until it's too late. Let our team help you identify the updates that need to be made, and assist with putting those changes in place.
Can the Police Search My Car During a Traffic Stop?
During a routine traffic stop, is an officer allowed to search your vehicle? Ben Burchett, a #trafficlawyer in Fredericksburg VA, answers that question.